
Development and Modernization Platform Powered by Generative AI Agents

Accelerate Enterprise Software Development with our Autonomous AI Software Engineer

AI-Powered Transformation

The rhino.ai Enterprise Workbench enables businesses to synthesize and enrich requirements from multiple sources using Logic Mining, Process Mining, and Generative AI. Rhino.ai generates outputs that business users find intuitive and directly applicable to platform solutions, greatly accelerating the timeline of modernization projects. This approach not only simplifies the interpretation of complex data for non-technical stakeholders but also streamlines the transition of these insights into actionable platform enhancements, effectively reducing the duration and complexity of upgrading enterprise systems.

The rhino.ai Engine

Using rhino.ai, teams can directly mine legacy applications to extract data structures, business logic, workflows and more, and transform them into modern platform solutions … in minutes.

How rhino works

Rhino.AI is at the forefront of an entirely new way to develop business solutions that reduces the burden on overtaxed users and measurably accelerates digital transformation efforts.

Automatically extracts business requirements from your existing application portfolio
Synthesizes business requirements for modern applications with GenAI
Accelerates development of new applications through AI-powered modeling and natural language processing
Automates app development by transforming your requirements to modern platform solutions with AI
Automatically analyzes and generates insights from your app portfolio

Problems we solve

The speed, savings, and security provided by rhino.ai’s platform enables critical needs in the modern enterprise. From expanding your ability to execute through scaling to taking the power back in your platform licensing negotiations, rhino.ai can help.


Complex Legacy Migrations

Up to 10x acceleration in migration projects via AI-based requirements mining and application generation. Identify and refactor your workflows, schemas, business rules, and APIs while seamlessly transforming them into target platforms.

Application Re-Engineering

Using AI to combine requirements from legacy code, to-be business process diagrams, documentation, and more within the rhino.ai platform helps customers determine what to keep from their legacy portfolio versus what needs to be transformed with the benefit of new platform technology.

Rapid Application Development

Accelerate business app development by up to 10 times with Rhino.ai's automated, AI-driven modeling and natural language processing capabilities. This technology significantly reduces the dependency on developers and consultants by 50-90% for each project, streamlining the creation process and ensuring more consistent outcomes.

Scaled Platform Development

Guardrails, best-practices, and automation capabilities embedded in rhino.ai let developers build business applications on modern platforms faster, without requiring scarce IT resources.

Vendor Lock-In Avoidance

Storing application logic in rhino.ai enables you to configure once & deploy to any platform in your ecosystem. We allow you to take back the power in your licensing negotiations.

Technical Debt

Existing applications have accumulated technical debt, creating the need for expensive professional services to maintain. rhino.ai provides a path to a low/no code solution.

Accelerated Transformation: Delivered through rhino.ai

Rhino.ai has helped businesses across different sectors overcome the challenges associated with legacy system migration with tangible benefits in terms of speed, savings, and security.